
We are trusted advisors on all privacy matters, such as how to manage data collection, transfers and data breaches, appointing a GDPR Representative, how to handle data subject access requests and how to avoid fines.

Every business processes personal data and, for many of our clients, personal data is effectively their currency.  With every commercial transaction on which we advise, the processing of personal data and the potential liability to regulators, commercial partners or data subjects is an important commercial consideration. We take the view that GDPR compliance enables every business to better understand how it actually operates. 

While our TMT clients – particularly “apps” and direct marketing providers - have a more immediate and ongoing need for advice on GDPR, we have conducted data audits for a wide range of businesses, including private member clubs and trade associations. For every client, we risk assess as to how data-centric their business is so that we can suggest solutions and prepare policies proportionate to those risks.

We are experienced in advising our clients how to cost, effectively manage and deal with data breaches and access requests so that the consequential impact on their business is not disproportionately compromised. This advice extends to dealing with regulators such as the ICO. We are well positioned to advise individuals on the merits and tactics of seeking redress if their privacy rights are infringed, or they wish to enforce rights conferred by GDPR such as bringing access requests.

For our clients whose business is not based in the UK but deal with UK citizens we also act as their UK GDPR Representative.